21st January 2025
3:00 am“If you choose to pass on the myths and superstitions you learned from your parents to your own children, on your own head be it, but the UK state has no business in helping you.”
“If you choose to pass on the myths and superstitions you learned from your parents to your own children, on your own head be it, but the UK state has no business in helping you.”
“Earlier this month, Pope Benedict took the opportunity to attack 'liberation theology', which emphasises the Christian mission to bring justice to the poor through activism. 'If the Church were to start transforming herself into a directly political subject, she would do less, not more, for the poor and for justice.' But if it's not within its remit to be active on social justice issues, how can it justify its blatant attempt to hijack the political process over abortion?”
Dani Garavelli
“The whole New Testament and Jesus story is easily shown to be a false premise. It is based on original sin, taken from Genesis, which is an obvious fable.”
“Gay people represent a real threat, by their very existence, to Pope Benedict's theology. He is insistent that humans are gendered male and female by God's design and that an integral part of this is being heterosexual. (According to Benedict, we even retain our genders in heaven). But if that's true, why would homosexuality exist at all? Why would many human beings have been born that way? In all cultures, in all times? When you are wrapped up in such incoherence, when your theology is simply disproved by reality, you can change your theology, or you can close your eyes, put your fingers in your ears, and sing loudly.”
Andrew Sullivan
“It is amazing what we will accept when it is presented as religious ideology.”
Richard Jones